Julie Black
You can find me here
Over the years our consultants have given back to thousands of nonprofits, fundraisers, outreach programs, victims of violence and our military. In addition to their efforts, Lemongrass Spa home office has sponsored dozens of impactful giving back campaigns.
Giving back is at the heart of not only Lemongrass Spa’s mission, but is also a personal mission of Heidi Leist, owner and CEO. Nearly everyone has been touched in some way by a cancer diagnosis, whether it's a friend, family member or a personal journey. Heidi's grandmother, Stella, was a 37-year breast cancer survivor and inspired so many to live with caring and kindness every single day. It was through her story and dozens of others that inspired Heidi to give products to people going through cancer treatment. The heartwarming stories from the recipients are featured in her book 'Soul Soothing Stories of Cancer Survivors'. In October 2020, Lemongrass Spa introduced the brand-new Pink Healing Balm to help those going through cancer treatment during breast cancer awareness month. In October 2021, the campaign returned offering two Pink Healing Balms to choose from, a one-ounce stick and six-ounce jar.
In October 2023 the Pink Box of Hope was launched which included four specially formulated products plus a hope bracelet. It gave hope to those undergoing cancer treatment as well as a celebration gift to those in remission
$ 16,960
to breast cancer research, prevention, and thriver support
$ 26,140
to breast cancer research, prevention, and thriver support
$ 25,719
to breast cancer research, prevention, and thriver support
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a companywide initiative to provide meals to families across the US was implemented. With each qualifying $200 party order, Lemongrass Spa Products donated 10 meals to Feeding America. The impact was incredible and so the company continued this giving back program throughout the 2020 holiday season. It's become an annual September-through-December campaign to fill the need of families with food insecurities.
to Feeding America in 2020.
to Feeding America 2021.
to Feeding America in 2022
In addition to the monetary donation, Heidi and the home office team volunteered at their local Feeding Tampa Bay, preparing donation boxes, organizing the food pantry and packing delivery vehicles. The Feeding America nationwide network of food banks secures and distributes 4.3 billion meals each year through food pantries and meal programs throughout the United States and leads the nation to engage in the fight against hunger. Every dollar raised from their response fund will be used to get food and funds to local food banks across the U.S.
During the month of January 2021, Human Trafficking Awareness month, Lemongrass Spa Products partnered to support anti-human trafficking organizations by curating two new Human Kindness Kits designed to help those in need. The kits include items to protect, nourish and soothe skin. $1 from the purchase of each Human Kindness Kit is donated to anti-human trafficking organizations across the country.
to anti-human trafficking organizations in 2021
to non-profit organizations involved in education and rescue efforts, plus for every 10 kits sold, Lemongrass Spa donated kits to safe havens.
Human Kindness Kits
donated in 2021
In 2008 Stefanie Van Ness, a Lemongrass Spa Consultant from Iowa, spearheaded Operation Freedom Feet because she was inspired by her experience as an Army wife. The Freedom Feet Foot Kit is a smaller version of our Herbal Foot Kit, which includes a jar of Foot Soak, Foot Scrub, Foot Balm & gift box. Freedom Feet Foot Kits are shipped to those women and men in uniform serving our country on foreign soil. The Lemongrass Spa home office gets the addresses of units where our service members are deployed, then kits are shipped in groups of ten or more to the units. It's a pampering surprise package that troops appreciate so much, especially because on any given day, they wear combat boots for upwards of 18 hours!